Children’s Ministry
The needs of young children and their families are high priorities at Broadus Church. We seek to provide the care, programming and activities that children require from infancy through elementary school to support their development as healthy, faith-filled youth. We also believe that the church can provide a strong foundation for spiritual and social maturity without placing an undue burden on a family’s already busy schedule.
If you work with children or youth on staff or as a volunteer, we need a Ministry with Minors Application. Please print a copy of the form, fill it out, and return it to the Church Office as soon as you can. Thank you!
Children in Worship
We welcome the presence of children in our worship services and encourage them to participate in giving praises to God through singing, clapping, prayer, tithing and listening to the sermon. Children’s Worship Bulletins are made available at the entrance to the Worship Center every Sunday.
Children’s Message
During our worship services, the children are invited to the front of the Worship Center for a kid-sized lesson that may include props or demonstrations to help them better understand the sermon or Bible truth. Honestly, the adults enjoy these messages as much as the kids!
Nursery care is offered during our worship services for children age 5 and younger. Many safety precautions including check-in procedures, worker screening, and windows on all classroom doors, offer protection for our children and peace of mind for our parents.

Sunday School
9:00 a.m. at Pole Green
10:30 a.m. at Hebron
Broadus offers classes for infants through fifth graders. In every class there are at least two teachers chosen for their particular gifts of teaching and relating to children in a loving manner. Bible truths and the stories of our faith are presented through multi-sensory activities that encourage participation and enhance understanding. Children learn of God’s love, their place in His kingdom, and life applications that will help them to build Christian character.
Wednesday Evening Music & Missions
(September – May at Pole Green Campus)
6 – 7:15 p.m.
Singing, Bible stories, mission projects, and activities
for children 5 years old through 5th grade.
Invite a friend and join us!
Online Sunday School Lessons for Children
these lessons were posted during the covid19 shut down and may be used anytime.
A PDF of the Leader’s Guide with the Activities is in the “Notes” column.

- Aug 29, 2021Children’s Lesson 52 – All Things New
- Aug 22, 2021Children’s Lesson 51 – I am The Vine
- Aug 15, 2021Children’s Lesson 50 – The Armor of God
- Aug 8, 2021Children’s Lesson 49 – The Good Shepherd
- Aug 1, 2021Children’s Lesson 48 – Light of the World
- Jul 25, 2021Children’s Lesson 47 – Romans Road
- Jul 18, 2021Children’s Lesson 46 – The Way, the Truth and the Life
- Jul 11, 2021Children’s Lesson 45 – Love Is…
- Jul 4, 2021Children’s Lesson 44 – The Power of Words
- Jun 27, 2021Children’s Lesson 43 – Redemption
Special Activities
Throughout the year, Broadus Church hosts kid-friendly activities like FUN!Fridays, Bible School and Family-focused Festivals. We also offer several Christian summer camp options for children and youth. Click on the Events Tab at the top of this page for more details about some of these special events.