Apr 30, 2023
Compounding Joy!
By: Phil Peacock
Series: The Treasure Principle
“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete!” John 15:11
How can joy be compounded in our lives?
- By recognizing God’s ownership. Psalm 24:1
- By becoming a good steward of what God has entrusted to us. 1 Peter 4:10
- By giving with a joyful heart. 2 Corinthians 9:7
- By gaining an awareness of how God uses what we give. 2 Corinthians 9:12
- Apr 30, 2023Compounding Joy!
Apr 30, 2023Compounding Joy!By: Phil PeacockSeries: The Treasure Principle“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete!” John 15:11 How can joy be compounded in our lives?
- By recognizing God’s ownership. Psalm 24:1
- By becoming a good steward of what God has entrusted to us. 1 Peter 4:10
- By giving with a joyful heart. 2 Corinthians 9:7
- By gaining an awareness of how God uses what we give. 2 Corinthians 9:12
- Apr 23, 2023The Treasure Principle
Apr 23, 2023The Treasure PrincipleBy: Phil PeacockSeries: The Treasure Principle“You can’t take it with you, but you can send it ahead.” Matthew 6:19-21 - “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” For Christians, “treasures” is not a dirty word— when properly understood.
- Earthly treasures are temporary and come with many temptations.
- Heavenly treasures are eternal and share the values of God.
- There is a connection between how we approach money and possessions and the strength of our spiritual lives.
- We send our treasures ahead when we invest in the things God values!
- Apr 16, 2023Our Hearts Burning Within Us
Apr 16, 2023Our Hearts Burning Within UsBy: Phil PeacockSeries: (All)On the afternoon of the first Easter Sunday, two followers of Jesus were walking the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Jesus began walking with them, but they didn’t immediately recognize him. In a short time, Jesus was able to open their eyes and rekindle their faith. After he left them, they said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32) How are we able to regain or maintain our spiritual fervor?
- Spend time in the presence of the Living Lord.
- Study the scriptures for inspiration and understanding.
- Share with others the truths Christ has revealed.
- Apr 9, 2023Meeting Jesus in the Cemetery
Apr 9, 2023Meeting Jesus in the CemeteryBy: Phil PeacockSeries: Meeting JesusEvery person, at some time, confronts the darkness of the “valley of the shadow of death.” Whether or not we realize it, we don’t have to face it alone. Our loving and victorious Savior is able to turn darkness to light and sorrow to joy! Having a risen Lord gives us a new life of purpose.
- Apr 2, 2023Meeting Jesus in the Lord’s House
Apr 2, 2023Meeting Jesus in the Lord’s HouseBy: Phil PeacockSeries: Meeting Jesus"Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16
- Mar 26, 2023Meeting Jesus at the Workplace
Mar 26, 2023Meeting Jesus at the WorkplaceBy: Phil PeacockSeries: Meeting JesusLuke 5:27-32 & Luke 19:1-10 When people meet Jesus at their workplace, he sometimes calls them to change their occupation.
- He will ask this if your current occupation is not honorable.
- He will ask this if God has a greater plan for your life.
- Better ethics.
- Better work ethic.
- Better attitude.
- Better relationships.
- Better priorities.
- Mar 19, 2023Meeting Jesus on Your Sickbed
Mar 19, 2023Meeting Jesus on Your SickbedBy: Phil PeacockSeries: Meeting JesusLuke 5:17-26 We all must come to grips with the frailty of our human condition. Jesus cares about us in our brokenness and is able to meet our needs. Our faith opens the door for his healing work in our lives. The work of Jesus is always designed to bring praise to God! WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU ARE SICK OR INJURED:
- Pray.
- Avail yourself of any help God provides.
- When physical healing comes, remember to give glory to God.
- When healing doesn’t come in the way or timing you desire, remember that God is still with you, and His grace is sufficient for you.
- Ask God what you should be learning from the experience.
- Be patient, and take some time to count your blessings.
- Focus on spiritual health above physical health.
- Hold fast to the promise of a new heavenly body designed for eternity.
- Mar 12, 2023Meeting Jesus at Home
Mar 12, 2023Meeting Jesus at HomeBy: Phil PeacockSeries: Meeting JesusLuke 10:38-42
- Jesus comes into homes where he is welcome.
- In a welcoming home, Jesus has been personally invited in.
- In a welcoming home, the family talks to and talks about Jesus.
- In a welcoming home, his book has a place of honor.
- In a welcoming home, the family lives in obedience to Jesus.
- Jesus comes into homes where he is the top priority.
- Mar 5, 2023Meeting Jesus at a Party
Mar 5, 2023Meeting Jesus at a PartyBy: Phil PeacockSeries: Meeting JesusJohn 2:1-11 According to the Gospel of John, the first miracle of Jesus was changing water into wine at a wedding feast. It might seem trivial to us, but no act of Jesus was without purpose. That particular occasion can teach us something about Jesus’ place in our social lives.
- We should always be aware of Jesus’ presence, even in our recreation and celebrations.
- We should be obedient to Jesus as he guides our words and actions.
- We should be ready to experience his blessings with great joy!
- Could this activity enslave me?
- Is there something edifying or beneficial about this?
- Could my behavior be a stumbling block for someone else?
- Can I use this for God’s glory?
- If Jesus were here with me, would he be pleased? (Hint: He is!)
- Feb 26, 2023Meeting Jesus for the First Time
Feb 26, 2023Meeting Jesus for the First TimeBy: Phil PeacockSeries: Meeting JesusWhen Nathanael was first introduced to Jesus, he discovered some amazing truths about the Lord that would shape his future. When you first meet Jesus, you discover he already knows you. Psalm 139:1-16 In turn, you will be presented with the invitation to know him. Matthew 11:28 Beyond simply knowing you, he also has a wonderful plan for your life. Jeremiah 29:11