Mar 13, 2022
The Mountain of Temptation
By: Phil Peacock
Series: Jesus on the Mountains
Matthew 4:1-11
Just after his baptism, and before beginning his public ministry, Jesus followed the leadership of the Holy Spirit into the wilderness. It was there, after forty days of fasting, that the devil presented Jesus with temptations which could undermine his divine calling.
- “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” (v.3)
- “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down…” (v.6)
- “All this I will give to you if you will bow down and worship me.” (v.9)
- Mar 13, 2022The Mountain of Temptation
Mar 13, 2022The Mountain of TemptationBy: Phil PeacockSeries: Jesus on the MountainsMatthew 4:1-11 Just after his baptism, and before beginning his public ministry, Jesus followed the leadership of the Holy Spirit into the wilderness. It was there, after forty days of fasting, that the devil presented Jesus with temptations which could undermine his divine calling.
- “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” (v.3)
- “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down…” (v.6)
- “All this I will give to you if you will bow down and worship me.” (v.9)
- Mar 6, 2022What To Bring To The LORD’s Table
Mar 6, 2022What To Bring To The LORD’s TableBy: Phil PeacockSeries: (All)1 Corinthians 10 & 11 Bring your spiritual appetite.
- Matthew 5:6
- Psalm 24:3-4
- 1 Corinthians 10:16-17
- Psalm 100:4
- John 6:67-68
- Feb 27, 2022A Survival Kit for Christians
Feb 27, 2022A Survival Kit for ChristiansBy: Phil PeacockSeries: (All)1 Peter 1:3-9 Life for Christians in the first century was difficult. On top of regular trials and hardships, they were often persecuted for their faith and allegiance to Jesus. But the Apostle Peter shared how God had equipped them for victorious living. Those gifts are still available to us today!
- God has given us a New Birth. (v.3)
- God has given us a Living Hope. (v.3)
- God has given us an Eternal Inheritance. (v.4)
- God has given us an Inexpressible Joy! (v.8)
- Feb 20, 2022Lessons of the Vine: The Procedure of the Gardener
Feb 20, 2022Lessons of the Vine: The Procedure of the GardenerBy: Phil PeacockSeries: Lessons of the VineIn Jesus’ grapevine illustration, the heavenly Father is the gardener, or vine-dresser. (“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.”) The removal of the fruitless branches points to His divine judgment. (“He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit…”) The pruning of the fruitful branches points to His divine discipline. (“… while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.”) THOUGHTS ON GOD’S DISCIPLINE/PRUNING— Hebrews 12:5-12
- God’s discipline is a sign of His love for us.
- It may come in the form of punishment.
- It may come by experiencing the consequences of sin.
- It is often simply the discipline of learning through trials.
- Though unpleasant at the time, it is for our ultimate good.
- “Pruning” is God’s job, not ours!
- God’s pruning is both for fruitfulness and for shape. As we become more fruitful, we also better reflect the likeness of Christ.
- Feb 13, 2022Lessons of the Vine: The Provision of the Vine
Feb 13, 2022Lessons of the Vine: The Provision of the VineBy: Phil PeacockSeries: Lessons of the VineJohn 15:1-17 Jesus provides us with His word.
- “If you remain in me and my words remain in you ...“ (v.7)
- “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.” (v.9)
- “… that my joy may be in you, and your joy may be complete.” (v.11)
- “I no longer call you servants … Instead I have called you friends.” (v.15)
- “Then my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.” (v.16b)
- Feb 6, 2022Lessons of the Vine: The Produce of the Branches
Feb 6, 2022Lessons of the Vine: The Produce of the BranchesBy: Phil PeacockSeries: Lessons of the VineJohn 15:1-8 John 15 records for us an illustration Jesus used involving grape vines. It presents to us three powerful images: 1) Jesus is the vine. 2) The Heavenly Father is the gardener. 3) We are the branches of the vine from which fruit should grow. It is important we understand what kind of “fruit” God expects from us. The fruit God is looking for is not the balance of your bank account, the size of your family, the number of people you know, diplomas you have on your wall, or how many cars are in your garage. In and of themselves, they have no lasting value. God is looking for spiritual fruit that has an eternal value.
- Inner Fruit = developing the character of Christ
- Outer Fruit = good deeds that positively impact people and glorify God
- Evangelism = helping people come to know Christ as Lord
How fruitful have you been for God?How fruitful do you want to be? - Jan 30, 2022Faith: How Do Trials Strengthen Our Faith?
Jan 30, 2022Faith: How Do Trials Strengthen Our Faith?By: Phil PeacockSeries: FaithHebrews 11:32-40 Because of faith, God’s people often experience amazing victories in this world. (vv.32-35a) And also because of faith, God’s people face incredible hardships and trials. (vv.35b-38) So how is it that trials help to strengthen our faith?
- They teach us to depend upon God. (Matthew 11:28)
- They work to refine our godly character. (James 1:2-3)
- They solidify our bond with Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:17)
- They help us develop a bond with others. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
- They remind us to keep an eye on the eternal. (Romans 8:18, James 1:12)
- Jan 23, 2022Faith: What Difference Does It Make?
Jan 23, 2022Faith: What Difference Does It Make?By: Phil PeacockSeries: FaithHebrews 11:4-7 Abel illustrates that true faith makes a difference in the way we worship. Enoch illustrates that true faith makes a difference in the way we “walk.” Noah illustrates that true faith makes a difference in the way we work.
- Jan 16, 2022Faith: What Is It?
Jan 16, 2022Faith: What Is It?By: Phil PeacockSeries: FaithHebrews 11:1-3 Both the Old and New Testaments speak of the importance of faith in the lives of God’s people. Before launching into a list of biblical characters who showed faith in God, the writer of Hebrews gives us a definition of this spiritual imperative. Faith is the foundation of our hope. “Faith is being sure of what we hope for…” (v.1a) Faith is having certainty without sight. “...and certain of what we do not see.” (v.1b) Faith is the way to a right relationship with God. “This is what the ancients were commended for.” (v.2)
- Jan 9, 2022Gideon: In Weakness Made Strong
Jan 9, 2022Gideon: In Weakness Made StrongBy: Phil PeacockSeries: (All)Judges 6:36-40 & 7:1-18We pick up the story where we left off last week. God called a lowly farmer named Gideon to lead the Israelites against the oppression of the Midianites. Gideon was obedient to destroy the altar to Baal on his father’s own property, and to set up an altar to the one true God. But would he be brave enough to go up against the whole Midianite army?
- The Weakness of Inexperience
- The Weakness of Doubt
- The Weakness of Fear
- The Weakness of Inferior Resources
- The Strength of God’s Good Purpose
- The Strength of God’s Gracious Patience
- The Strength of God’s Great Plan