Jan 2, 2022
Gideon: God Calls Unlikely Heroes
By: Phil Peacock
Series: (All)
We find the story of Gideon in the Old Testament book of Judges, which follows the conquest and settling of the Promised Land by the tribes of Israel. During the period of the Judges, a familiar cycle is often repeated.
- The Israelites would turn away from the Lord and do evil in His sight.
- God would allow His people to be oppressed by neighboring tribes.
- In their suffering, the Israelites would cry out to the Lord for help.
- God would raise up a leader (judge) to deliver them from oppression.
- God calls us to an honest assessment of the challenges we face. (v.8-10)
- God calls us based not on who we are, but on who we can be. (v. 12)
- God calls us to depend upon His strength, not our own. (v.14-16)
- God calls us to be faithful in small things before giving bigger assignments. (v.25-26)
- Jan 2, 2022Gideon: God Calls Unlikely Heroes
Jan 2, 2022Gideon: God Calls Unlikely HeroesBy: Phil PeacockSeries: (All)We find the story of Gideon in the Old Testament book of Judges, which follows the conquest and settling of the Promised Land by the tribes of Israel. During the period of the Judges, a familiar cycle is often repeated.
- The Israelites would turn away from the Lord and do evil in His sight.
- God would allow His people to be oppressed by neighboring tribes.
- In their suffering, the Israelites would cry out to the Lord for help.
- God would raise up a leader (judge) to deliver them from oppression.
- God calls us to an honest assessment of the challenges we face. (v.8-10)
- God calls us based not on who we are, but on who we can be. (v. 12)
- God calls us to depend upon His strength, not our own. (v.14-16)
- God calls us to be faithful in small things before giving bigger assignments. (v.25-26)
- Dec 26, 2021God’s Guidance to the Magi & Us
Dec 26, 2021God’s Guidance to the Magi & UsBy: Neil TurnerSeries: God's GuidanceThree Things We Can Learn from the Magi:
- Do your homework.
- Don’t ignore the obvious; act on it.
- When you meet Jesus, you should change direction.
- Dec 19, 2021God’s Guidance for Shepherds & Us
Dec 19, 2021God’s Guidance for Shepherds & UsBy: Phil PeacockSeries: God's GuidanceLuke 2:1-8 tells us of Joseph and Mary’s relocation from Nazareth to Bethlehem for the purpose of the Roman census. It was there that Mary gave birth to a son and—having no better accommodations—used a feeding trough as his crib. The Christ-child’s first visitors were not from among the rich, well-educated noblemen of high society. God chose to send His angels to a group of shepherds. There are many things we can learn from their encounter with the Divine. We find their story in Luke 2:8-20. Be ready for divine interruptions. Be ready for divine revelations. Be ready for divine adventures!
- Dec 12, 2021God’s Guidance to Joseph & Us
Dec 12, 2021God’s Guidance to Joseph & UsBy: Phil PeacockSeries: God's GuidanceIn the first two chapters of the Gospel of Matthew, we are told of three different times when an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph. In each case, he was given a direct instruction from God — and in each case his response was the same. He immediately obeyed! Matthew 1:18-25 “Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife…” “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus…” Matthew 2:13-15 “Get up, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt.” Matthew 2:19-23 “Get up, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel.” How well do we follow God’s guidance when … We don’t fully understand why God wants us to do it? It’s difficult or inconvenient for us? It’s unpopular with those around us?
- Dec 5, 2021God’s Guidance to Mary & Us
Dec 5, 2021God’s Guidance to Mary & UsBy: Phil PeacockSeries: God's GuidanceLuke 1:26-56 Six months after sending His angel Gabriel to Zechariah the priest, God sent him also to a young woman named Mary. God’s specific plans for Mary were unique in all of history, but we are still able to learn valuable lessons about responding to God’s call upon our lives. The words of Mary recorded in Luke 1 reveal important steps toward spiritual maturity. “How will this be?” (v. 34) — Learning to listen carefully to God. “I am the Lord’s servant.” (v.38) -- Learning to submit fully to God. “My soul glorifies the Lord.” (v.46) — Learning to glorify the Lord for His blessings.
- Nov 28, 2021God’s Guidance to Zechariah & Us
Nov 28, 2021God’s Guidance to Zechariah & UsBy: Phil PeacockSeries: God's GuidanceLuke 1:5-25The aging priest Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth were the picture of orthodox Judaism at its best. They were righteous and humble servants of God. Through them, God teaches us some valuable lessons. God teaches us to keep living for Him. God teaches us to keep hoping in Him. God teaches us to keep praying to Him. God teaches us to keep obeying Him. God teaches us to keep trusting Him.
- Nov 21, 2021The Six Gs of the Gospel: GRATITUDE
Nov 21, 2021The Six Gs of the Gospel: GRATITUDEBy: Phil PeacockSeries: The Six Gs of The GospelPsalm 116:1-19 We are all able to identify with the sentiments of the psalmist who remembered being “overcome by trouble and sorrow” in his own life. And yet, in those darkest times, there is a God who hears us, protects us, and saves us. The question is then asked in verse 12, “How can I repay the Lord for all His goodness to me?” In truth, we can never repay the Lord, but we are given some guidance for how to express our gratitude to Him. I will lift up the cup of salvation. (v. 13a) I will call on the name of the Lord. (v. 13b) I will fulfill my vows to the Lord. (v. 14) I will be a servant of the Lord. (v. 16) I will sacrifice a thank offering to the Lord. (v. 17)
- Nov 14, 2021The Six Gs of the Gospel: GATHERED
Nov 14, 2021The Six Gs of the Gospel: GATHEREDBy: Tyson BanksSeries: The Six Gs of The GospelSimple Math - Titus 3:1-11 1. Multiplication (3:1-7) 2. Addition (3:8) 3. Division (3:9) 4. Subtraction (3:10-11)
- Nov 7, 2021The Six Gs of the Gospel: GROWTH
Nov 7, 2021The Six Gs of the Gospel: GROWTHBy: Phil PeacockSeries: The Six Gs of The Gospel“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7 The Apostle Paul may not have known the Christians in the city of Colosse personally, but he was thankful for the faith, hope and love which had grown in their hearts once the gospel had come to them. He encouraged them to continue to live (walk) in Christ—using word pictures of a tree to describe their spiritual growth as disciples of Jesus. “Rooted” in Christ to Grow Deeper “Built Up” in Christ to Grow Higher “Strengthened in the Faith” to Grow More Stable “Overflowing with Thankfulness” to Grow Wider
- Oct 31, 2021The Six Gs of the Gospel: GRACE
Oct 31, 2021The Six Gs of the Gospel: GRACEBy: Phil PeacockSeries: The Six Gs of The GospelTitus 2:11-14 God’s Grace provides for our salvation. (v.11)
- “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.”
- “It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age . . .”
- “. . . while we wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ . . . “
- “. . . who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.”