May 19, 2019
Trust and Obey
By: Randy Cooksey
Series: (All)
Ephesians 5:15-17
God commands us to be careful how we live. He instructs us to be wise and alert to the opportunities He will provide.
A few opportunities we have as believers are to: Share, Help, Serve, Witness, Forgive, Follow Jesus and Grow in our faith.
Many times we miss opportunities because they are: disguised as problems, time sensitive, tested by opposition, or missed out of fear.
Our God is a God of great opportunities; some are seized while others are wasted.
When they appear, how will we respond?
We can choose to walk in fear or walk by faith.
Step out in and obey Him.
- May 19, 2019Trust and Obey
May 19, 2019Trust and ObeyBy: Randy CookseySeries: (All)Ephesians 5:15-17God commands us to be careful how we live. He instructs us to be wise and alert to the opportunities He will provide.A few opportunities we have as believers are to: Share, Help, Serve, Witness, Forgive, Follow Jesus and Grow in our faith.Many times we miss opportunities because they are: disguised as problems, time sensitive, tested by opposition, or missed out of fear.Our God is a God of great opportunities; some are seized while others are wasted.When they appear, how will we respond?We can choose to walk in fear or walk by faith.Step out in and obey Him.
- May 12, 2019Are You My Mommy?
May 12, 2019Are You My Mommy?By: Phil PeacockSeries: (All)1Kings 3:7-10, 16-28You don't have to be perfect to be a good parent.Good parents KNOW their children.Good parents STAND UP for their children.Good parents WILLINGLY SACRIFICE for their children.
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May 5, 2019Disciples Never Stop GrowingBy: Seth PeacockSeries: PeterActs 10-11Disciples grow to be more discerning of the voice of God.Disciples grow to be obedient without hesitation.Disciples grow to better understand and practice the ways of God.Disciples use their influence to help others grow.
- Apr 28, 2019Disciples Become Witnesses
Apr 28, 2019Disciples Become WitnessesBy: Phil PeacockSeries: PeterActs 1:3-11Disciples understand the urgency of being a witness.Disciples go where people are...Found people find people.Disciples know the gospel message.Disciples invite others to become disciples.
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Apr 21, 2019Disciples Discover Treasures in an Empty TombBy: Phil PeacockSeries: PeterHappy Easter!John 20:1-20The empty tomb turns fear into courage, doubt into faith, tears into joy and despair into hope.
- Apr 14, 2019Disciples Discover Failure is Not Fatal
Apr 14, 2019Disciples Discover Failure is Not FatalBy: Phil PeacockSeries: PeterLuke 22:31-34, 54-62Everyone gets tempted, so expect it, and prepare for it.No matter how strong the temptation, God provides a way out.In our own strength, we can expect to fail.By God's grace, disciples discover that failure is not fatal.
- Apr 7, 2019Disciples Learn to Pay Attention to Jesus
Apr 7, 2019Disciples Learn to Pay Attention to JesusBy: Phil PeacockSeries: PeterLuke 9:28-36Like the disciples at the Transfiguration, there is a time for us to Go up, Pray up, Wake up, Hush up, Listen up & Suit up for the life God has planned for us.
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Mar 31, 2019Disciples Value the Lord’s ChurchBy: Phil PeacockSeries: PeterMatthew 16:13-20The Church is Christ's Possession.The Church is Permanent.The Church is Progressive.The Church is Powerful.
- Mar 24, 2019Disciples Take Risks for God
Mar 24, 2019Disciples Take Risks for GodBy: Phil PeacockSeries: PeterMatthew 14:22-33Peter recognized the voice of Jesus.He remembered examples of Jesus' power.He overcame his present fears.He was beginning to realize his potential in Christ.He requested divine permission and assistance.He reached out to Christ in his failure.He accepted the necessary correction.
- Mar 17, 2019First Three Questions of Discipleship
Mar 17, 2019First Three Questions of DiscipleshipBy: Phil PeacockSeries: PeterLuke 5:1-11Will you let Jesus be a part of your life?Will you allow Jesus to make your business his business?Will you make Jesus' business your business?