Jul 28, 2024
An Opportunity to Spiritually Recharge
Mark 6:45-46 The Gospel of Mark highlights how hectic life was for Jesus during his ministry.  He was always busy preaching, teaching, healing and traveling.  Crowds at every stop demanded his attention.  But even as Jesus lovingly reached out to those around him, the gospels point out that he habitually found time to be alone for prayer and communion with the Heavenly Father. In the rat-race of our lives, it is also very important for us to “interrupt” our busy schedules for time alone with God.  As with Jesus, it gives us an opportunity to spiritually “recharge” - allowing Christ to equip us for the tasks ahead. An Opportunity for Quietness & Rest An Opportunity for Prayer & Meditation An Opportunity for Scripture & Reflection An Opportunity for Recharging & Refocusing
  • Jul 28, 2024An Opportunity to Spiritually Recharge
    Jul 28, 2024
    An Opportunity to Spiritually Recharge
    Mark 6:45-46 The Gospel of Mark highlights how hectic life was for Jesus during his ministry.  He was always busy preaching, teaching, healing and traveling.  Crowds at every stop demanded his attention.  But even as Jesus lovingly reached out to those around him, the gospels point out that he habitually found time to be alone for prayer and communion with the Heavenly Father. In the rat-race of our lives, it is also very important for us to “interrupt” our busy schedules for time alone with God.  As with Jesus, it gives us an opportunity to spiritually “recharge” - allowing Christ to equip us for the tasks ahead. An Opportunity for Quietness & Rest An Opportunity for Prayer & Meditation An Opportunity for Scripture & Reflection An Opportunity for Recharging & Refocusing
  • Jul 21, 2024An Opportunity for Faith and Following
    Jul 21, 2024
    An Opportunity for Faith and Following
    Mark 10:46-52 Other than the walk to Golgotha, Jesus’ final trip to Jerusalem must have been the “heaviest” journey of his earthly ministry.  So much suffering lay ahead for him before the victory over sin and death would be accomplished.  But even with that burden upon his heart, Jesus was willing to use another interruption as an opportunity to do good—this time for a blind beggar named Bartimaeus.
    • An interruption can be an opportunity for calling a person to faith in Jesus Christ, or for nurturing the faith already in their heart.
    • An interruption can be an opportunity for inviting a person to become a disciple, following Jesus in their daily living.
  • Jul 7, 2024An Opportunity to Minister to the Unseen
    Jul 7, 2024
    An Opportunity to Minister to the Unseen
    Mark 5:24-34 As Jesus was on his way to save the life of a little girl, he was “interrupted” by the sudden flow of healing power from his body.  A woman desperate for healing after many years of illness had secretly reached out in faith to touch his robe.  Jesus’ loving response is a great lesson to us about ministering to the unseen.
    • Not everyone who needs attention is willing to ask for it.
    • There are many “invisible” and forgotten people all around us.
    • They are often the people who need our attention the most.
    As you learn to see the unseen, hear the unheard, and value the unwanted, don’t be surprised if they teach you lessons about living by faith. 
  • Jun 30, 2024An Opportunity for a Teachable Moment
    Jun 30, 2024
    An Opportunity for a Teachable Moment
    Mark 2:1-12
    One day as Jesus was preaching inside a packed house, four men decided to dig a hole in the roof in order to lower their paralyzed friend into his presence.  It was surely an interruption like few others!  But instead of being angry or annoyed, Jesus realized it was a great opportunity for a teachable moment with the paralyzed man, his friends, and the audience in the house, including religious leaders.
    • A Lesson about Faith
    • A Lesson about Forgiveness
    • A Lesson about the Authority and Power of God’s Son
    We should be aware that interruptions in our lives can often be opportunities to share truths about God and faithful Christian living.
  • Jun 23, 2024An Opportunity to Delve Below the Surface
    Jun 23, 2024
    An Opportunity to Delve Below the Surface
    Mark 1:21-28 Jesus’ ministry, like our own lives, was a constant series of interruptions!  The Gospel of Mark records many of them for us.  From the example of Jesus, we can learn to view interruptions as opportunities to help people and glorify God.
    • Interruptions can be annoying to us, but they may also give us an opportunity to delve beneath the surface of a person’s behavior.
    • Why people do what they do is often more important than what they do.
    • Interruptions will sometimes give you the opportunity to address a person’s greatest needs—and to turn them toward Jesus!