May 5, 2024
The Power of Forgiveness
By: Phil Peacock
Series: Joseph
As the seven years of famine took hold of the entire region, people from all around traveled to Egypt to buy grain. This included Joseph’s ten older brothers who were sent from Canaan by their father Jacob. Joseph fed them, but also tested them to see how their hearts had changed over the past two decades. When Joseph finally revealed his identity to them, they were afraid he might take revenge on them for their previous cruelty. But in Joseph’s response, we are able to see the Power of Forgiveness!
What Forgiveness Does NOT Do:
- It does not indicate weakness on the part of the forgiver.
- It does not minimize or condone the sin that has been committed.
- It does not remove all the consequences of sin.
- It does not immediately wash away all the hurt and pain.
- It has the power to break the cycle of retaliation.
- It opens the door to reconciliation.
- It allows you to live in the present instead of the past.
- It lets the human heart reflect the character of God!
- May 5, 2024The Power of Forgiveness
May 5, 2024The Power of ForgivenessBy: Phil PeacockSeries: JosephAs the seven years of famine took hold of the entire region, people from all around traveled to Egypt to buy grain. This included Joseph’s ten older brothers who were sent from Canaan by their father Jacob. Joseph fed them, but also tested them to see how their hearts had changed over the past two decades. When Joseph finally revealed his identity to them, they were afraid he might take revenge on them for their previous cruelty. But in Joseph’s response, we are able to see the Power of Forgiveness! What Forgiveness Does NOT Do:
- It does not indicate weakness on the part of the forgiver.
- It does not minimize or condone the sin that has been committed.
- It does not remove all the consequences of sin.
- It does not immediately wash away all the hurt and pain.
- It has the power to break the cycle of retaliation.
- It opens the door to reconciliation.
- It allows you to live in the present instead of the past.
- It lets the human heart reflect the character of God!
- Apr 28, 2024God-Given Gifts at Work
Apr 28, 2024God-Given Gifts at WorkBy: Phil PeacockSeries: JosephChapters 40 and 41 of Genesis reveal why God allowed Joseph to spend much of his life in Egypt. Even during his time as a slave and a prisoner, God was equipping him to help save the entire region—including his own family—from seven years of severe famine. God uniquely “gifted” Joseph with the special skills and abilities he would need to accomplish God’s purposes— from interpreting dreams to administrating the distribution of food.
- Though our circumstances are much different from Joseph’s, we should be aware that God has also uniquely “gifted” each of us according to His purpose for our lives.
- When God gives us skills and abilities, He also gives us opportunities to serve Him by helping others.
- When we use our spiritual gifts for the Lord, He receives the praise and the glory!
- Apr 21, 2024Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
Apr 21, 2024Blessed Are the Pure in HeartBy: Phil PeacockSeries: JosephGenesis 39 After being sold by his brothers to some Ishmaelite traders, Joseph was carried as a slave to Egypt. He soon found himself serving in the household of Potiphar, a captain of Pharaoh’s guards. Life could not have been easy, but through hard work and the blessings of God, Joseph was promoted to steward of the house. "The Lord was with Joseph.” (39:1-6a)
- Colossians 3:23
- 1 Corinthians 10:13
- Ephesians 5:3
- Þ Matthew 5:10
- Matthew 5:8
- Apr 14, 2024Surviving the Trials of Life
Apr 14, 2024Surviving the Trials of LifeBy: Phil PeacockSeries: JosephGenesis 37:12-36 Joseph, the son of Jacob, was hated by his ten older brothers. They were jealous of the fancy coat given to him by their father, offended by his grandiose dreams, and enraged that he had been appointed as a supervisor over their work. Their hatred led them to sell him into slavery, into a life of extreme hardship. Our situations are not the same as Joseph’s, but every person faces trials in life. God, in his wisdom and grace, is able to use them for good. When approached with faith, hardships can help us develop important virtues for Christian living.
- Perseverance
- Character
- Hope
- Joy
- Apr 7, 2024Lessons from Imperfections
Apr 7, 2024Lessons from ImperfectionsBy: Phil PeacockSeries: JosephGenesis 37:1-11 Joseph, the eleventh son of Jacob, was born into an imperfect family. His father was a “trickster” in his younger days, and then had the bad habit of treating Joseph with favoritism in his later years. Joseph’s older brothers were also flawed individuals, often conniving, deceitful and cruel. And then there was Joseph himself, who seemed rather immature during his youth, flaunting his favored status and even sharing dreams with his brothers that incited their jealousy all the more. The story of Joseph helps us understand a number of lessons about ourselves and our God:
- Every one of us is flawed.
- God has a plan for us even in our imperfections.
- We are not qualified to disqualify ourselves from God’s service.