Lessons of the Vine: The Procedure of the Gardener

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Sermon Notes

In Jesus’ grapevine illustration, the heavenly Father is the gardener, or vine-dresser.  (“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.”)

The removal of the fruitless branches points to His divine judgment.  (“He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit…”)

The pruning of the fruitful branches points to His divine discipline.  (“… while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.”)


  • God’s discipline is a sign of His love for us.
  • It may come in the form of punishment.
  • It may come by experiencing the consequences of sin.
  • It is often simply the discipline of learning through trials.
  • Though unpleasant at the time, it is for our ultimate good.
  • “Pruning” is God’s job, not ours!
  • God’s pruning is both for fruitfulness and for shape. As we become more fruitful, we also better reflect the likeness of Christ.