Responding to Godly Correction

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The Prophet Nathan Confronted King David (2 Samuel 12 & Psalm 51)

 We can find there the  Four “R’s” of Godly Correction:

  1.  REALIZATION of our sin, our personal responsibility, and our dependence on God as our only hope of forgiveness
  2.  REMOVAL of our guilt and the sin in our lives
  3.  RENEWAL of our relationship with God and the joy it brings
  4.  REINVESTMENT of our lives in things that are right and God-honoring


PRAYER FOR FORGIVENESS:  “Lord, I realize the seriousness of the sin in my life.  I acknowledge that I have broken my covenant with You and messed up Your perfect plan for me.  I am sorry.  I have no hope but Your mercy and Your pardon.  I pray that You would remove the guilt of my sin with Your forgiveness, which is offered through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  Then, Lord, renew a right heart within me, that I can find happiness in being pure and whole again.  Finally, Lord, take my life.  Help me re-invest my time and my energy in serving You from this day forward.  Amen.