The Lost Elder Brother

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Sermon Notes

Luke 15:25-32

Jesus told a parable about two lost sons, not just one.  There is more than one kind of lostness.  Though the elder brother prided himself in his goodness—as compared to his younger brother who had been openly rebellious—he actually shared some of the same bad attitudes and motivations.

  • He questions the ways of his father and his authority.
  • He is not above being openly disrespectful of his father.
  • He loved his father’s stuff more than he loved his father.
  • He is willing to fracture the unity of his family.

We see signs of lostness in the heart of the elder brother:

  • He held a deep anger.
  • His obedience was joyless and mechanical.
  • He felt disdain toward his younger brother.
  • He did not understand his father’s love.
  • He was judgmental and unforgiving.

If we identify these same signs within ourselves, we need to seek a change of heart through Jesus Christ.  Only through him do we learn to truly love, forgive and sacrifice.  Even lost elder brothers can be found!